Debrick a WRT54G

I friend came a couple of hours ago with a bricked WRT54G.

It isn’t so bad as it sounds. I was able to recover it in less that 15 minutes.

There is a nice howto in the openwrt site ([url][/url]), look at the JTAG-adaptor Method. I build the adapter with one minor change. The ground is not on pin 12 of the JTAG but on the pin 10. Check it with your multimeter, before you connect it.

If you want to read the firmware it will take you about 1 hour.

A simple “[b]wrt54 -erase:nvram[/b]” did the trick for me.

Nice now we have a solution if something goes wrong ๐Ÿ™‚

10 responses to “Debrick a WRT54G”

  1. just reading about your cfe being bad. i have the same problem and can’t find a good working cfe for wrt54g v1.1. did you ever come across this when trying to resolve your problem?


  2. I had the exact problem in the second time, the same WRT54G died [url][/url] :). A request in one local wireless forum helped.

    Getting a cfe is easy is just a dd if=/dev/mtd/0 of=/tmp/cfe.bin if you have another WRT54G. Make sure that is the same version

  3. Hi there. I have exactly the same problem! Any chance you would have a working CFE.BIN for WRT54g v1.1?

    I can’t find this anywhere on the net and I’ve looked for days now.


  4. Hello

    Please can you send me your cfe.bin and the other important files for the router … I built a jtag cable but i think that the boat loader is corrupted !

    My router is a ver2 like you so i hope that you can answer me and send me these files which can allow me to repair my router…