Hotmail account upgraded
My hotmail account upgraded from 2 MB to 25MB. To be honest a friend sent me a trick in order to do it. It appears that hotmail upgrades only the accounts that have, as a Country United States. Mine was Greece.
PCB Etching
After succefully etching 2 boards at home i think it is time to write down a howto. It isn’t so difficult as it sounds. After you done it for the first time it is 30 min work to have a board ready. 20 mil track between pads isn’t bad at all 😀 Time to gather…
Spam statistics for December
As the month ends in a few hours and this year ends also, it is time to have a look on the spam statistics for this month. For month December: I received 796 messages. 214 of them where caught by dspam, 11 missed. That gives us: [list] [*]Spam ratio (of total processed) [b]22.037%[/b] [*]Spam identification…
gmail and invitations
When i logged into gmail i used to had the message “Invite x friends to gmail”. Now it is changed “Give Gmail to x friends”. It must changed today.
RAW thumbnails
The common problem of a RAW photo is that you must open it with the apropriate tool on your PC in order to preview it. Yesterday i came across with the dpmagic [url]http://www.dpmagic.com[/url] (following a post from dpgr.gr), a nice tool to produce thumbnails directly from raw and of course it supports my favorite Olympus…
AT89C2051 programmer update
After playing for about one week ([url]https://blog.billy.gr/archives/2004/12/15/at89c2051-programmer/[/url]) with that i can say that i am really satisfied. I did a lot of changes till the final design. Now i must as usual create a PCB and a couple of html pages (or PDF) with the notes, parts and schematic.
Stepper Controller
Today i finished a stepper motor controller. It is a simple board made arround a AT89C2051 and 4 power transistor. I had some issues with the power supply (i need more current than it can give to me). The design is simple: 1 pin for step, 1 pin for direction. On the todo list is…
Slimbrowser V4.03
Finally after many many versions slimbrowser now can be closed before a file is completely downloaded. Slimbrowser is my second option after firefox (even if it uses the IE engine) [url]http://www.flashpeak.com/sbrowser/[/url]
Asterisk on WRT54GS ?
I came across to this [url]http://www.sineapps.com/news.php?rssid=421[/url]. In short: Asterisk runs on the WRT :). That means a lot if you understand. You will have a 100 Euro device to terminate voip calls or use it as a voip gateway. I just added it on my todo list
Funded FreeBSD development project
Poul-Henning Kamp send an update of the Funded FreeBSD development project. He has done an excellent work. Only one comment: On his mail he mention the following [b]”I rather fear I sound as boring as the tourist guides on the ruins of Akropolis, my apologies.”[/b] He was in Greece and we didn’t notice it ?…
gmail and spam
I am a user of gmail for about 3 months. The only use of this email account is to get all my mailing lists, and there are a lot of them. I never used this email account on the web and the email i use for the mailing lists is another one that forwards all…
FreeBSD 5.3 finally boots
After talking with sivitos (one of my friends, and a known freebsd guru) about the uhci GIANT-LOCKED he suggested to turn off the USB support. Turning off the USB wasn’t a option cause i will use it later, but i found on the BIOS that i could turn off the usb legacy emulation. And guess:…
NetBSD 2.0 boot on Toshiba
Since the 5.3 Release failed to boot, i tried to see what it will happen with NetBSD 2.0 i386. NetBSD at least it boots and i can use a shell. Now i am really pist off. Priority 1 to have FreeBSD installed on the weekend.
FreeBSD 5.3 problems
After the release of FreeBSD on 06 Nov 2004, i wanted to do a test installation in my laptop, a Toshiba Pro M10. Of course it didn’t succeded. The machine hung with a GIANT-LOCKED after probing the onboard USB controller. I didn’t have more time to investigate it so i did an abort. Today i…
Asterisk PBX
Today i found some time to update my asterisk installation. I used for a long time the 0.9. Now the latest version is 1.0.3. The update was less than ten minutes and everything work as expected, including my Zaptel interface. I removed also the oh323 support since i am switching to IAX. More on IAX…
ssh forwarding
Did i say how much i love the ability to do a port forwarding with ssh ? The problem: My router has a web interface which it is acceptable only from my internal network. That mean that i cannot change anything if i am not home. OK i can use a lynx from one of…
AT89C2051 programmer
I allways wanted to make a at89c2051 programmer. The only programmers that i have is one for AVR and can program also the AT89S8252, another one for DS5000/DS2250 which i use for evalution and fast programming for the 8051. Doing a search on google a came across to the following link: [url]http://chaokhun.kmitl.ac.th/~kswichit/easy1/easy.htm[/url] The source code…
Launchcast Radio
I came back from a coffe to my desktop. And i show a message on my yahoo messenger (Launchcast Radio): “Are you still there ?”. Yahoo Messenger detects when you are idle and stops playing Launchcast Radio in order not to consume valuable bandwidth when you are not on your desktop. Nice work.
Sveasoft firmware problem
I tried to upgrade my WRT54GS firmware to Alchemy 6.0 RC3 from Alchemy pre5.4. Result: iptables didn’t load the rules. Restore to defaults didn’t solve it. I download the RC4 and everythink is back to normal. Thanks sveasoft guys.
My Psion 5MX died….
My Psion 5MX just died…. The usual problem with the lcd. Yesterday night was working without any problem. Today i opened it and i had a few horizontial lines on the lcd. The lcd cable has left us… I hope i will open it again on the weekend to see if i can fix it.…